By using our services, you agree to the following terms and conditions of use.
Providing parking is the responsibility of the customer, if there are parking restrictions such as yellow lines, red routes, residents only, etc. you must provide a permit for the removals van from your town hall. If this is not possible, please be honest and say where the closest legal parking is available whether its 50 meters or 100 meters away. This may cost a little more but it is much better for you if we know in advance. This will also make your move smoother with less hassle right from the start whist trying to find parking. You can also check with your building security if we can park in the driveway if there is one available. If parking is legal, try to reserve a large space for the van outside your property before it arrives or contact your town hall and get a suspension or permit where necessary. If there is no parking pre-arranged, any parking fines imposed on the removals van will be the responsibility of the customer and must be paid by the customer on the completion of your move, however we will not park illegally and the driver may have to leave if legal parking is not provided. If there is paid parking near your home and the driver will need to park in the paid legal parking spot, the parking charges are the responsibility of the customer and will need to be paid by the customer upon completion of the service.
If you postpone or cancel your removal up to 24 hours before the booking time, you won’t have to pay any charges or fees. If you postpone or cancel within the 24 hours before your move was due, you may be liable of paying for one hour of the service booked and for larger jobs, you will be charged the value of your deposit. We reserve the right to cancel or change dates and times. There may be extra charges if the mover needs to do a second trip and/or if you have a lot more items to move/dispose/put into storage, etc. than originally mentioned and we were not updated accordingly. Tolls charges may be charged accordingly. (Unless otherwise stated) We will do our best to arrive at the moving time desired by the customer, however due to the nature of traffic, we cannot guarantee we will arrive at the pickup property on time.
Delays to pick-up and/or delivery times are sometimes unavoidable due to traffic accidents, weather etc. We do not accept any responsibility for any customer losses due to unforeseen or out of our control delivery/pick-up delays. Although we are insured, we accept no responsibility for damage or breakage to items that have not been packed / protected by adequate means. It is the customers’ responsibility to ensure that items will fit in the new premises - these items include large sofas and furniture. Our drivers will not be insured to remove doors or windows in such cases and are not insured to place the items through any windows, and it is up to the customer to organize a specialist or hoist if needed.
Verbal or threatening behaviour will not be tolerated. If the driver is forced to leave the job because of abuse from the customer verbal or otherwise the customer will still be liable to pay in full. If parking fines are given during loading and/or unloading period the customer is responsible to pay the fine in full. Any articles on the other pages on this website may be entirely fictional.
There is no warranty for the services, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Except when otherwise stated in writing the services are provided in an “as is” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the service is with you. Should the service prove inefficient, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction.
If you do not agree with the above terms and conditions you are prohibited to use our Services.
Terms may be changed at any time without notice.